Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Community Called Atonement

I just started a new book by Scot McKnight entitled, "A Community Called Atonement." So far, just 50 some pages in, I want to share that I could not put it down. However, a book of this magnitude requires so much processing, I would like to propose that we share some of the ideas from the book and talk about what we are defining as the "church" - not to mention anything else that may spring forth from reading. Here is something that stands out from the first few pages:
" 'The gospel we preach shapes the kind of churches we create.
The kid of church we have shapes the gospel we preach.'
It would be simplistic and colonizing to suggest that power determines everything, but we should be alert to the observation that the power a local church possesses shapes what it offers as gospel and atonement. Could it be that we are not reconciled more in this world - among Christians, within the USA, and between countries - because we have shaped our atonement theories to keep our group the same and others out? I believe the answer to that question is unambiguously yes. "

While there is so much I think about this and will hopefully share, I will simply say that I agree with his assessment and anticipate reading what you think.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A hymn for Shrove Tuesday

A hymn for Shrove Tuesday

Alleluia, song of gladness,
hymn of endless joy and praise.
Alleluia is the worship
that celestial voices raise
and, delighting in God's glory,
sing in heaven's courts always.

Alleluia, blessed Salem,
home of all our hopes on high.
Alleluia, sing the angels;
Alleluia, saints reply;
but we, for a time on this earth,
chant a simpler melody.

Alleluias we now forfeit
in this holy time of Lent.
Alleluias we relinquish
as we for our sins repent,
trusting always in God's mercy
and in Love omnipotent.

Blessed Trinity of Glory,
hear your people as we pray.
Grant that we may know the Easter
of the Truth, the Life, the Way,
chanting endless alleluias
in the realms of endless day. Amen.

Can be sung to any tune
From The Saint Helena Breviary, Church Publishing 2006

Friday, February 1, 2008

Wesley Conference Webcast

This next Thursday and Friday (07-08 Feb) there will be a webcast for the conference at NNU entitled: Furtherness: Holiness Reoriented in a Changed World." The guest speakers are Brian McLaren, Scott Daniels, and Thomas Oord. It's only $25 a person and the more you have with you watching, the cheaper it gets. It would be easy to hook a computer/laptop up to a video projector! If Amy and I weren't going to Turbo at Northwood, I'd definitely be a part of this. Here is the link to find out more:

I encourage you to be a part of this. Perhaps if no one can participate, we should get the DVDs and get together and watch it and discuss. Bring the conference here and have our own, at the lead of these great leaders.