Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A fad or the future?

I've talked with some and heard others discussing this emerging shift. It's interesting the range of discussion and agreement within the conversation, from those within and those outside of it. I heard some say it's a passing fancy, like the Jesus Movement of the sixties or the Seeker-Sensitive Movement of the 80s-90s.

With all this "newly" forming thought of doing and being church within a postmodern context, I've begun to hear people calling themselves post-postmodern or post-emergent....like they're already sporting the "been there done that and here's my t-shirt to prove it" attitude.

A friend of mine told me that they were starting a postmodern service at their church and he talked about it being really no different from their contemporary traditional "Nazarene" service. He said that the music is different but it's pretty much the same.

I have an idea but I'll refrain from giving it right now in attempts to spur some conversation on here. So, what do you think? Is it different, is it a fad or is it something that is going to be a round for a long while?


1 comment:

n8 said...

I really like this discussion topic, because I was going to write on your original post that I think that the whole emergent thing has become sort of the new "program" for the new millenium. If you spend any time at conventions the words "emergent", "postmodern", and "conversation" are being beaten to death. In fact, I am kind of getting sick of them.

While I believe that the emergent movement is becoming a fad, I think that the shift that is going on in culture is not a fad, and that we as the church are going to have to continually find ways to live the kingdom in this changing world.

The problem is us, we take anything that is new and exciting and make it "the thing" and so then people begin throwing around buzz words. So a church starts an "emergent" service, but their service has nothing to do with a shift in philosophy, but rather is a "contemporary service with candles".

I do believe that a change in philosophy is needed in the church- label it whatever you want. I hope that the change will run deeper than our terminology...
