Here's to a beginning. There's a whole lot we have behind us. It has shaped us, directed us, moved us. Where we have been is directly linked to where we are going, as well as where we are going is directly linked to where we have been. Robert Webber was well known for saying, "The road to the future runs through the past." I agree. An important question that needs to be asked is, "which past?" We are creating space for a place to discuss what it looks like to be connected to a matrix of relationships (Church of the Nazarene, evangelicalism, Protestantism, catholic orthodox Christianity, modernity, post-modernity, post-everything) and how that plays out in West Texas and a more localized context of our communities. Finding ourselves in the 21st Century, we are awakening to a major geographical change, like Dorothy coming out of her house to find that she's not in Kansas anymore.
I remember a Mickey Mouse Cartoon that was connected to Walt Disney's animated version of "Robin Hood" called "Brave Little Tailor." In it Mickey is misunderstood to be a giant killer and is recruited to kill the giant in the kingdom. Mickey does his best and in a brilliant orchestration he tangles up the giant, pulls his feet out from under him and he goes down with an enormous earth-shattering fall--creating a swath of land upheaval around him. He's out cold. The town decides to celebrate by putting up a carnival around him. They're playing around, having fun in this new place, powered by the sleeping giant. But I wonder about something Disney didn't take time to address, what will happen when the giant wakes up?
Anyway, the land around them changed and they adapted and used it to their benefit. Now, my mind is wandering about the metaphor of this new land and the giant. I kinda like the Wizard of Oz one better, because there is no sleeping giant, only a wiked witch looming in the background that is easily "liquidateable."
Maybe this is where the call in Jeremiah to the exiles in Babylon to make their selves at home in this new land speaks to us. Our goal, our aim, is NOT to return to Kansas, but to see our way forward in this new land.
I like your Dorothy in Oz reference. It puts in my mind one of my favorite authors and a group of metaphors that he uses.
Frederick Buechner in his "Telling the Truth: the gospel as tragedy, comedy, and fairy tale" uses the Oz tales as a ready reference to the world in which we live.
As we begin this cohort/discussion, I feel a little bit like Dorothy meeting those friends with whom she has so many adventures and who eventually defeat the great threat to Oz. After all, we are all after hearts, brains, courage, and home.
Let me respeak, I am searching for brains, heart, courage, and home. I know that my only hope is to see the Great Wizard. I hope we can travel this road together.
Thanks for your spirit.
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